I qualified as an Aromatherapist and remedial massage therapist back in 1995 (Hmmmm that’s a mighty long time ago…am I really that old??).  So during lock down I have revisited the use of Essential Oils but within the theory and context of Traditional Chinese Medicine.  Therefore I would like to share with you some useful essential oils for strengthening your immunity which you could use at home.

My top 5 Essential oils for building immunity:

  • Lavender – balances the nervous system and promotes sleep, two factors which contribute to immunity.  It also helps to protect cells from free radicals
  • Eucalyptus – is an antiviral and antibacterial oil.  Eucalyptus can help fight off a variety of illnesses including respiratory infections and flu
  • Tea tree – has antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal and antiseptic properties and is one of the most useful of all essential oils. Its anti-pathogen properties make it useful for fighting a variety of illnesses
  • Rosemary – is antimicrobial and is useful for respiratory issues
  • Lemon – is a powerful antioxidant and has antibacterial properties. It also works to protect the liver which also plays a role in immune function.

You can mix any 3 of these oils together to create a synergistic blend if you wish rather than using them individually.
For example
#Tea tree, Lavender, Eucalyptus
#Rosemary Eucalyptus Lemon


I personally hand blend oils and offer a selection to purchase at the clinic.

You can use the oils in a diffuser, on your pillowcase, in the bath, diluted in massage oil to use on the body or on the soles of your feet.  If you need further information on the use of essential oils please feel free to contact me.

More posts to follow and I look forward to seeing you back in the clinic soon!

To your best health
From my heart to yours 🙂 Lisa x

Lisa Gordon Acupuncture 07808111287